My contribution (fingers crossed, I'm running Ubuntu on an old laptop for this)
This is a discussion on November 2013 photo Assignment - Stairways within the Photo assignments forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; My contribution (fingers crossed, I'm running Ubuntu on an old laptop for this)...
My contribution (fingers crossed, I'm running Ubuntu on an old laptop for this)
For mine, I went back to the State Capitol, which has 49 steps leading to the front doors. Each step has a state's name on it (in order the became states), with Alaska and Hawaii sharing the top step)
capitol steps by Theantiquetiger, on Flickr
"The worst thing about taking a great image is that your next one has to be better!"
My wife was a moderator at a forum on veteran's affairs on Monday at Fairfield University. The staircase right behind the panelists gave me plenty of potential shots for this assignment. The very cool stag's head helped too.
Please feel free to critique my work.
I am really liking everyone's contributions so far. There are some very creative and effective compositions. I may have to try to get out and have another go this weekend.
Jason, that stags head is great in the 1st shot. I think if you did a landscape crop the to just the top right 1/3 you would have a really interesting and challenging juxtaposition of the stag against the modern lines of the building. The similar colour tones would really work too IMO.
1st shot definately, as soon as i saw that stag i was smiling away! it seems to be peeking over some was fine till judges.......and than i saw whole lot of people on chairs!!
Which one is better?? I would have liked 2nd one better if not for tree in center . thanx
I'm with AT, I like the first one better. RM, I've got a couple of shots where I isolated the stag head with people going up and down the stairs, I'll have to take another look at them.
Please feel free to critique my work.
I haven't been posting much lately, just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day, but here's a staircase I recently found which I thought I'd share.
Boy, that last step is a doozy.