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June 2011 photography assignment - Breaking the rules

This is a discussion on June 2011 photography assignment - Breaking the rules within the Photo assignments forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Anyone got any ideas for the level 1 and level 2 assignments? Here's one idea though I'm not sure whether ...

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    Bambi's Avatar
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    Default June 2011 photography assignment - Breaking the rules

    Anyone got any ideas for the level 1 and level 2 assignments?

    Here's one idea though I'm not sure whether it's level one or 2.
    Creative use of hard light.

    anyone think that's good or have additional suggestions?

    A tough one, but what about creative sef-portrait ala these examples here:

    I was wondering about photos that break the rules: like not using the ROT, having blown out highlights or any of the other rules

    +1 for "A tough one, but what about creative sef-portrait ala these examples here:"
    i think that should be level 2.

    Any other ideas for regular assignment? I like Breaking the rules? anyone else?
    Thx - Marko

    I agree with Marko on the level 2 being more appropriate for the creative self portrait and breaking the rules could be fun and creative for the regular assignment!
    Last edited by Marko; 06-03-2011 at 10:56 AM.
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    Marko's Avatar
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    Ok members the regular assignment is breaking the rules.

    Some traditional rules that people can choose to break:
    - Rule of thirds
    - Tonal quality rules (good detail from white to black)
    - overexposure/underexposure
    - Compositional rules.

    It would be nice if the shots still "work" but feel free to break that rule as well, lol.

    OK then who will post first?
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    fortinphoto is offline Junior Member
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    This was an already strong backlit image ... but I found it lacked some punch or a center element. I decided to make it even more abstact by removing color and cranking the constrast.

    Here is the original shot ...

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    in00bz is offline Junior Member
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    Nice start here fortinphoto and in00bz - both rulebreakers!
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    "You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.

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    Crashcat is offline Member
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    Default Been awhile since I posted anything so I figured why not.

    Name:  Bricks BW Spot Colour Break The Rules.jpg
Views: 1932
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    Bambi's Avatar
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    I like the creativity of these shots so far. Here's one I took yesterday. I tagged along with the NS Photo Guild to a greenhouse. Turns out the person who owns it does sculpture and they are everywhere. This one was on a hill of native flowers and plants. I took a few and didn't like them at all. I then wandered into the woods and when I came out I saw this. It breaks the rule of thirds- everything is pretty centred but I don't think it could have been shot any other way.
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    Nice one crashcat!
    Bambi - I REALLY dig this shot - nicely seen and captured!
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    "You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.

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    Bambi's Avatar
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    thanks Marko. Here's some use of underexposure:
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Well, no rule of thirds in this one. The subject is very low in the frame.

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