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June 2011 photography assignment - Breaking the rules

This is a discussion on June 2011 photography assignment - Breaking the rules within the Photo assignments forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Most of my wildflower photos are natural in setting and colors, but this sheep laurel shot was really fun to ...

  1. #11
    Wicked Dark's Avatar
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    Most of my wildflower photos are natural in setting and colors, but this sheep laurel shot was really fun to play with and distort all out of reality. I don't see too many processed like this.

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  2. #12
    mbrager's Avatar
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    Default Birds Not Of A Feather

    As a rule, the forum prizes focus and sharpness, especially in animal shots. None of these are particularly sharp, hence the broken rule, and posting in this thread.
    In spite of using a 120-400 mm Sigma lens on a monopd, I could not get close enough for some of my targets yesterday. But I managed to capture 5 birds I'd never seen before in Calgary. The pelicans were a particular surprise, suddenly rising on the horizon, flying silently overhead in large numbers (maybe 40), and just as suddenly disappearing.
    These were all shot at or near the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.

    1. Harlequin Duck

    2. Double Crested Cormorants

    3. Eastern Kingbird

    4. American White Pelicans

    5. Unidentifiable (maybe a Least Flycatcher)
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  3. #13
    F8&Bthere's Avatar
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    Default Beatnik's Sole

    I'm pretty sure this breaks some rule or another- either subject amputation (can you amputate a whole body, or would this be reverse amptuation?) and/or leading the eye out of the frame...
    Name:  Beatnik640.jpg
Views: 431
Size:  199.6 KB

  4. #14
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    I don't know what rule it breaks but I like it!
    “If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.” – Jay Maisel
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  5. #15
    jude01's Avatar
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    here's my attempt,
    first one=
    highlights are blown out, background dark and u cant see its face and no clear eye or eye highlight, but I like this one, thought the little poof was a kool " hairdo"

    second one=
    My old camera started to glitch out and this is what i got one day, colors are all weird and the highlights are so bright kinda looks like its on fire. my hand has hovered over the delete button so many times with this one but for some reason i never could get rid of it.

  6. #16
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    Cool Rules...what rules?

    Name:  Blue flower sm_June2011 sm_1.jpg
Views: 393
Size:  190.1 KB
    This one breaks the rule and then some...the focus is in odd spots, it's a mish-mash with no central subject, and no rule of thirds. But, I like it!
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