Wow August is barreling down already...where has the time gone?
Time to throw out ideas and pick another assignment theme for the month.
Here's some suggestions to start us off...... many have been suggested in past months by several members:
Beginnings and endings
old and new
your interpretation of emotion
"just outside the front door"
those are good. I like the 20 steps from the door idea.
another thought I had was 'travel/vacation photos'. Not so much photos taken while on vacation but those that show the beauty, places to see/things to do in various locations.
Whatever we do I'd like to narrow it down a bit and really make it a challenge. So far the topics have been so wide open that I don't think most of us have been "challenged" to break out of our molds and grow as photographers.
Not sure how to accomplish this, mind you, but I throw it out for discussion.
I hear ya iggy - on the opposite side of the coin, the more narrow the category, the fewer submissions we get...
I like these suggestions:
Beginnings and/or endings
What about the "Dog Days of Summer" ???
Beginnings and endings it's too close to July assignment IMO, but minimalism should be very interesting.
I'll suggest
fire or heat
It is August after all
as I think about it, I do like minimalism
Myregarding seasonal themes are that while it may be "dog days" and "heat" up here north of the equator, it is winter for the members south of the equator. And we have many members who live south of the equator. It seems a better idea to offer suggestions/themes that all members can participate in...I'm just sayin'.
I would prefer something like weather or similar rather than a single season such as summer...that or offer summer vs winter or spring vs fall to make it eligible for everyone.
Sorry, I forget about that. I keep thinking the whole world revolves around me (slinks off to the corner to hang head in shame)
I have been in a minimalist sort of way lately so I am cool with that.
No worries Iggy...I have seen it before mentioned I just wanted to address my $.02 on it...I have no problem with doing a verses assignment...might be kinda fun to do a "dueling seasons" theme Autumn verses Spring might be kind of cool in Sept or Oct . come to think of it.
Jas this is a great suggestion so i gave it its own thread - thx - Marko
All I ask is that whatever the assignment, keep in mind it hasn't been less than 95 degrees in the last 2 1/2 weeks here.Nothing that involves chasing, climbing, or working up an additional sweat, please.
I do like the idea of minimalism since I have never done it before. It looks like a challenging project.
How about ...HOT!
I can do HOT! It's going to above 100 degrees for the next 3 days, above 105 for the rest of the week.
Well, we don't have it quite that bad but we have the humidity here. Never been to Arizona but I hear it's beautiful.
How are you about the theme "summer collage"? But minimalism would be good too.
Ok, than if I'm not wrong the majority vote minimalism.
Now start working on this assignment