Thanks for the nice comments all.
Richard, these kids were more than cooperative. Only one group said no as they said they were more dirt bikers than skatepark riders and didn't want to look dumb (I think). They told me to come down to the dirtbike park in Chestermere as that is where they hang out usually. I spoke with Sean after I shot him in the bowl and he said most of them just love to ham it up and have their picture taken...especially when I gave some of them my contact email and flickr account so the could see the shots and send me a line if they wanted their shots. Sean already has his posted on his Facebook page.
When the kids saw me behind the cone, they really started taking turns to show off their stuff,,,it was so cool to see everybody having a go at it one at a time , getting along with each other, and showing their best moves as they jumped over the cone....the scariest part for me was trying not to get hit but be daring enough to get as close as Not one of them even got close to me and one guy even moved the cone so it was in front of me so I could get a better shot.
As I said, just learn their names, give them a contact email and offer to send them the photos and you will have them eating out of your hand..they all want some neat shots for their facebook! At least that was my experience...and I will go back there and do it again.
This was the closest anybody got to hitting me....and even then he was well far away...and he landed on his feet too!
This kid was really showing off his stuff too....he was pretty awesome to watch and he was loving the attention too. I might go back and find him to see if he wants some shots next week.