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My Dad circa 1937

This is a discussion on My Dad circa 1937 within the People photography (portraits, sports etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Originally Posted by Bambi I hope that you will continue to enjoy many lovely moments with your dad. I also ...

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bambi View Post
    I hope that you will continue to enjoy many lovely moments with your dad. I also hope that your own struggle is successful.
    Thanks for those comments Bambi ... and I had one of those moments today it would seem.

    After Crystal's post I decided to send Mum an email. I'd never told them about this thread and for some reason was never sure if I should mention it. Perhaps it wasn't time yet. Today I told Mum about it to see whether she thought it was something Dad might like to see. We don't see them as often as I'd like, so this thread is one of my ways of doing something, even it wasn't meant to be seen by them.
    Anyway ... I think it's easier to just show you Mum's answer ...

    Oh Steve, we have been to the thread that you sent me below and we were both blown away. I asked Dad to reply and he said I don't know what to say. Although some of the information was a little mixed up (but I can understand that because we were all a bit miffed and mixed up about what was going on and you clarified that in the end) what you really wanted to say came out loud and clear. The love you showed bought tears to both of our eyes. We have printed the whole thing out. I loved the comment about the photo bringing out those blue many times do we hear people comment on his blue eyes. One of the cleaners who comes to clean my floors once a fortnight said to Dad. You have Irish blood in you don't you? Well Dad's grandmother was Irish. The cleaner is English and she said I can tell by your eyes. She won't clean until Dad is playing his guitar either!! That's getting off the point a bit though.
    How long have you been sitting on this?? Since June I guess. You wrote that piece straight from your heart Steve and you are not one to wear your heart on your sleeve. Thank you so much for making Dad's day today and making him feel special he will never forget this or the email you wrote when he had the Lymphoma. It's those sorts of things that help keep him going although he often says I don't have a bad feeling with this. It's the radiation that I (me Mum) am worried about as Dr Pratt told us how severe it is and what can happen and will, but one day at a time.
    I think you did the right thing by sending the thread to us and we both needed to read that and some of the comments were lovely. Can you thank them for us or not.
    So there you go ... thank you all on Mum and Dad's behalf for your comments, prayers and thoughts.

    As a side note ... Mum is a chronic pain sufferer also. She has disk problems that are inoperable I think high in her back and neck. Pain management is a constant battle and has been now for many, many years. It's hard not being able to help her more also. Fortunately her condition is not life threatening but it does mean, in the face of Dad's issues, that she doesn't get the attention she deserves as well I think. Anyway ... just rambling now I guess ...

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    Okay..I have tears.

    And I have nothing I can say, words don't describe how I feel right now. A wonderful note from a mom that clearly, to this day, knows and loves her son.

    I feel proud right now to have read this and understand it.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers MA's mum and dad!

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    Thanks Kat ... here's a hanky :cry-an:

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    Very nice story, M.A. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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    Wow!!! ....Mum just sent me a link to this forum to read what had been posted. (Hope you don't mind MA). You summed it up beautifully.

    Well...after reading it through my tears, I look back and realise just what we have all been through. What a horrible couple of years we've had, with you and I losing our best mates of 14 years as well. (our Dogs)

    But Mum is an absolute gem and you, Dad and Graeme are survivors!!!

    It just makes us all realise how precious and short life is. So tell/show your family how much you love them and get out there and live life!

    PS: Nice pics of Dad.

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    This is nice, I'm glad he enjoyed it.
    Thanks for letting us know

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    Outstanding MA! ( that you shared with your P&M) I wish your dad all the best. Lost my dad to Parkinson's a few years back and the little boy in me still can't believe he's gone. Mum passed last year from cancer so now I'm an orphan. My thoughts are with you dude!

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    Thanks M. Sorry to hear of your parents passing as well.

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    He was my adopted father since I was two but he raised me right up and treated me no different than my sister who was his natural child. The reason I bring that up is because I wanted to tell a story about my real father whom I never met. His name was Albert Gunton and way back in 52 or around, he was the only man to jump tower bridge in London driving a London Transport double decker bus full of passengers I didn't find this out from Mum though, all she told me is that he'd jumped the bus. The rest I had to dig for. One thing about Mum is she couldn't tell a lie to save her life. She passed before I was able to tell her of my research Somehow, even though Albert never played the role of father or any other role in my life, I'm somehow still proud of his bus jump

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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaw View Post
    His name was Albert Gunton and way back in 52 or around, he was the only man to jump tower bridge in London driving a London Transport double decker bus full of passengers
    EGADS! can you imagine being one of the passengers???

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