I went to a classical piano concert last night to see the 5 Browns. I'd guess that most of the people who see this post has never heard of them. They are 5 siblings, 3 girls and 2 boys, in their early to late 20's that have all graduated from Juilliard Music School in New York. You can find a ton of videos of them on YouTube. PBS just aired one of their concerts recently. Fortunately I was able to get one acceptable shot of all 5 of them. Throughout the concert they would change which piano they would sit. I was on the second row on the right side of the stage so I only had a good view of the one piano.
These were all shot with the E-M5 and the 45mm. Each image is cropped to about 20% of the full shot. I had to do slight adjustments in the exposure, highlights and lights, and a little noise reduction in LR, and of course sharpening in PS. I was happy with them given the large crop factor and I only took 10 shots during the concert, 2 of each player.
I'm posting color versions in a REPLY to this thread since I can only post a max of 8 images per thread. I prefer b/w but I know a lot of people like color. Any input or tips on exposure or processing will be appreciated. I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you for viewing.
This is the only one of the two I took of her that came out clear. But on the upside I can say I think seeing her concentration in just the one eye makes for an interesting photo.