Quote Originally Posted by Ernst-Ulrich Schafer View Post
"I wouldn't fret too much about taking your own photo (even though you shouldn't have) "

If you were to do this at my studio or any other place that I might be set up doing portraits, I would show to the door very quickly and you would have to find another photographer for your needs. The other day I was set up at our Boys & Girls Club, taking portraits at their annual auction, had one lady tell me blatantly that she was going to scan and copy my portrait. Guess what, my efforts stopped!! I gave her donation back, $30 for a 5X7 and she never saw her portrait as it was deleted.
That is the difference, you are a real photographer, I respect that, you have a quality product. You are not some part time help shooting with a middle of the road camera, turning out trash for $20 a pop; plus like I said, it has been ok to take your own shoot for the last 10 years. Santa is at the mall to get people there, not to rob them of money for a garbage picture.

Both my daughters take dance. One time, the dance studio was taking pictures for the recital program. After the photographer took the pictures of the girls, I asked if I could grab one. He told me, "Not on his backdrop." I respected that because he was a real photographer, wanting parents to buy packets.