I awoke Friday and found out there was a Major Trance/Triphop/Dubstep show at Echo Beach in Toronto. I emailed to producer and got a media pass and was also hired to shoot it for them. I just loved it, would have paid to go the music was just astounding and the DJ's just blew the place down. This is one of the photos I have to show since most were sold and they have exclusive rights for 12 months but it was worth it. I swear after every time I do a show it will be the last one, this time I think I am getting close to a last one, by the time I arrived home I was never so happy to finally be at home and swore I was never leaving the house again, lol, take it as it comes I guess. Raves and such are a young kids game not this old mans, 10 hours is a long, long day when 6 of it in blistering sun and I always and always bring to much but I hate no being prepared but the days of a 60+ lbs. knapsack are over I think.
P.S. I swore I posted this earlier today but cannot find it, so if it is a duplicate sorry and if not I must have closed the page before submitting.