I get him between playing.Replaced background.
This is a discussion on Little boy within the People photography (portraits, sports etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; I get him between playing.Replaced background....
I get him between playing.Replaced background.
Last edited by vyeko; 12-19-2011 at 04:42 PM. Reason: original request
Very nicely done!! Love the look and the hair
Simply Amazing!!!!!
Cute kid, with great hair (I'm quite jealous!).
I think to really pop this would have needed a reflector on the right to light up his face a bit. You could possibly accomplish a similar (but not as good) effect with fill-light or a brightness adjustment brush in Lightroom.
Nice one vyeko - That kid has my dream hair....i hate him - lol
I like this image for many reasons but mostly for the quizzical captured look.
I agree w/thoughton though that this would pop even harder with some fill on the face.
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Thank you very much to all.Yes he have cute hair.LoL Have been big challenge to separate them from original background.Thank you for advice about fill light.I will do it.
Can we see the original? I would love to see your pp work.
I disagree with Marko and Thoughton. I like the shade on the face and light on his hair. The two most important things in this image (IMO) are his hair and eyes (which have a great light in them).
Here is original too.Only conversion from RAW and resize.
Very nice pp artwork. If you would have never said anything, I would have never known the background was replaced.
Hopefully you don't take this the wrong way (not intended) but if I could edit like this I'd have more keepers!Love his curly hair.
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