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My PC died!!!

This is a discussion on My PC died!!! within the Off topic forum forums, part of the General category; I'm going to be awol for a bit longer as I try to get this mac workflow into my brain ...

  1. #11
    Michaelaw's Avatar
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    I'm going to be awol for a bit longer as I try to get this mac workflow into my brain as I have a show coming up and I need to be in place. I sure do miss the right click functionality of my PC I think the advice I was given by the salesman was wrong. He figured that the ability to run Mac and Windows at the same time was the way to go, so far I think I need to run them independently at boot. I love the Mac but am realizing that it's a rigid OS wanting to format my way of computing to its personality, XP was way more apt to work with me. Of course I have to remember that I've been a windows user since win 3.1 and am on the first day with macs OS though I had two years working with Power Macs in college. Anyhow, it's going to take me a while to get a flow going but I shall return soon

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    Hey Michael: There's something very amusing to me imagining you trying to get up to speed on a Mac, given all the near religious controversy between the two OSs. I'm sure you will have many, many more ironies to share, and I'm looking forward to them. Can't wait to hear your photo editing comments, etcetera. I miss your photo posts, too.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaw View Post
    I'm going to be awol for a bit longer as I try to get this mac workflow into my brain as I have a show coming up and I need to be in place. I sure do miss the right click functionality of my PC I think the advice I was given by the salesman was wrong. He figured that the ability to run Mac and Windows at the same time was the way to go, so far I think I need to run them independently at boot. I love the Mac but am realizing that it's a rigid OS wanting to format my way of computing to its personality, XP was way more apt to work with me. Of course I have to remember that I've been a windows user since win 3.1 and am on the first day with macs OS though I had two years working with Power Macs in college. Anyhow, it's going to take me a while to get a flow going but I shall return soon
    1. You do have right click on mouse
    2. Parallel Desktop is the one that can run smoothly the Windows on your Mac.
    3. To uninstall and install software never been easier
    4. Welcome in Apple family!
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  4. #14
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    Congrats Maw - sounds like an awesome machine you bought!
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaw View Post
    I'm going to be awol for a bit longer as I try to get this mac workflow into my brain as I have a show coming up and I need to be in place. I sure do miss the right click functionality of my PC I think the advice I was given by the salesman was wrong. He figured that the ability to run Mac and Windows at the same time was the way to go, so far I think I need to run them independently at boot. I love the Mac but am realizing that it's a rigid OS wanting to format my way of computing to its personality, XP was way more apt to work with me. Of course I have to remember that I've been a windows user since win 3.1 and am on the first day with macs OS though I had two years working with Power Macs in college. Anyhow, it's going to take me a while to get a flow going but I shall return soon
    lol, change can be hard. But new learning keeps our brains nimble. (as long as they don't explode).
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  6. #16
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    A smooth transition is not happening, the Imac fights me all the way. Had to reload the OS once already and silly problems everywhere! So far glitches all over the joint. Some of it is due to me I'm sure but so far the idea of "just plug em in and they go" has not happened! I will ride this horse but I'm gonna sleep in on Mac Sunday as I'm not a convert yet, just another confused user

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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaw View Post
    A smooth transition is not happening, the Imac fights me all the way. Had to reload the OS once already and silly problems everywhere!

    First you should never have to reload the OS. Second most problems for new converts are because they think is is a whole lot harder than it is and try to approach tasks as the did with a Windows based Machine. Third use the Mac support after all you payed for it and they are awesome. Fourth if you have a friend that is Mac friendly ask them for help. Fifth ask on the internet or by email and I for one am just an email away.

    You mentioned that you missed the right click. Go to System Preferences found under the apple symbol at the top left. Select the mouse Icon form the pop up. Check "Secondary click" and select "right" and now you have right click.
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    If I hadn't reloaded the OS I'd still be in computer hell! Before a reload, the Mac would not sleep, it would instead close it's eyes for ten seconds and then wake up again, it would also randomly play two high tones on it's audio system that even a shutdown would not stop. Upon shutdown, it would claim that I had to manually shut down with the power button, then upon coming back to life it would insist that I had shut it down because of a problem and ask If I wanted to send a report to Apple?. The mouse would not stay put on any of the menu items in the finder but would jump between selections going back and forth between menu items. After an OS reload, all this silly stuff went away. I have 90 days of mac support at this point as I didn't yet buy into "Applecare". Before reloading the OS I called The support number but they were closed. No one I can think of has a mac, so no support on that front. Internet did provide some clues but on the whole, did not supply the fixes I needed and a lot of the info I found was esoteric, seeming to assume I'd owned a Mac forever and knew what the hell they were talking about. I am aware of the right click function but find a few of the functions in right click are missing from what I am used to in windows OS. One function I miss is the right click/send to function which allowed me to send a file to any location I chose. One thing I was happy about despite what I'd read on the OS disk, was that the OS reload not only solved my issues but also left my files and settings intact The paralells desktop win XP thing is a bit quirky but on the whole running fairly smoothly but I still thing I'd prefer a boot scenario of choosing which OS to run. I don't regret my purchase of the Imac at all, It's a fine machine though I can't get my head around all this power coming from such a small space somewhere within the screen If you can provide some insight into my problems before I reloaded the OS I'm all ears as I'd prefer not to have to do another install again

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    Bye Bye Imac....Returned it to the store for refund and I never want to see another. Had it all set up, then bam! it went totally sideways. Was not comfortable with it or its methods. So back in the hole I go to build a real computer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaw View Post
    Bye Bye Imac....Returned it to the store for refund and I never want to see another. Had it all set up, then bam! it went totally sideways. Was not comfortable with it or its methods. So back in the hole I go to build a real computer
    oh no. are you sure that you just didn't get a lemon?
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