What leap you may ask? Well, let me tell you my story first. I moved from the city of Barrie almost 3 years ago to forge a life in Ontario's north country with my then Girlfriend ( who shall remain nameless). It was her dream to make a living in a nice quiet country setting. The web stats showed promise for both of us in our fields of employment. I sold my house in 2007 and by January of 2008 found myself In a very small town where people were friendly to your face but had a hidden agenda. I was not used to this small town mentallity. We both found ourselve's living on what was left over from the sale of my home. We had bought a patch of land with the dream of building on it but soon found ourselve's living on it in a 10'x40' park model trailer after the snow had melted. This was to be our home for the next 8 months. Spring turned to summer and summer into fall. The dream of building soon started to fade( it was getting really cold. We had no electricity, no running waterand no heat. What little money we had from odd jobs were being put to fuel for the car and the generator and food. It was a common site to wake up to the sight of a Cow Moose and her calf or a 350 lb. Black bear or even wolves in the distance. Things were rough but we managed. We opted to buy a home in the hastings highland region and used our property as collateral as a down payment. I didn't know this at the time but I always felt out of place, something was always missing. I didn't know it at the time but I have suffered from chronic depression my whole life but dismissed it thinking this was a normal feeling that everyone had. After moving into our new home I had sunk very heavily into a depressive state. My girlfriend had been "under the influence" and attacked me verbally and physically.I don't believe in violence of any kind, I wanted to die! Needless to say I lost everything last year. She had burned my house down and claimed posession of the land legally while I was in the hospital. I now find myself in a much happier state but am forced to "Re-invent" myself. I have toyed around with the idea of taking my hobby into a more professional direction. And after many months of research, help from family and friends and seeing many people I know make their dreams come true I will make the leap into being a photo journalist. I Know with my unique view and my tenacity for getting to the truth I can make this happen. I already have my first shoot lined up with many more to follow.