I don't want to take anything away from the athelets as they do work hard to achieve the right to represent their country and compete against the world's best. That being said, the Olympic bids have become a farce. Starting from the IOC and continueing down to the city level of government. Greed overwhelms the city council and the private sector is not free of this sin either. Since we learned that the games would take place in the city of Vancouver , people have been told their rents would increase exponentially and have been forced out in the cold. Some landlords are looking to get what they would get in a year in just over a week in rent. Tenders have been given out and the construction almost finished with most if not all coming in overbudget. In the real world we would take these companies to court if they didn't finish the job as per their legally quoted bid for the job. We are now seeing grafitti stating " RIOT 2010" and are being told by the media that some groups are intending on disrupting the games with any means necessary. This should make for some interesting photo's from anyone who lives out there. It could even launch a career in photojournalism if you're lucky. I for one am glad that Toronto didn't get the bid for the games.As for curling....... I will support any games that keep your beer cold