I am so busy this time of year anyway but I am also totally uninspired to shop for Christmas. Instead I bought a bunch of gift cards for my family. My mom and dad and both brothers and sisters live in Edmonton for some inexplicable reason, the only one with a good excuse being my brother who is in the military and posted there.Due to circumstances too long to explain I will not be going up there this year.
Anyway, that was a ramble. So I bought the gift cards and dumped them all out on the dining table. I am thinking to my self, what a waste. I just spent a whole big amount of money on people that have everything they need, do not need new stuff and basically all have more money then me to start with. I should just give these all to charity and forget about sending them. Well the gift cards sat on the table for a while before I finally put them in envelopes to mail. Still, it's nice to get presents. I work for the richest people in Calgary and they love to get free stuff, little presents, even though they can afford to buy the same thing for themselves and better quality so I guess it's the thought that counts. The present- gift card- is a symbol of that thought I suppose.
I still will give money to charity. The staff at the Club buy a goat or some such for people in Africa (World Vision) and the club pitches in to match our donation.