Do you blog? What do you use? And what in the world is Is there a purpose for it?
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Do you blog? What do you use? And what in the world is Is there a purpose for it?
My new blog as of Nov/10
1/Yes but not well
2/Blogger's blogging stuff
3/Random mumblings from a self important person that finds facebook just isn't enough...or good information to be shared with the public. Both types exist so you have to weed out the useless info.
I gave blogging a try but just seemed not the time to start. I am thinking of restarting my blog and I just use Blogger through Google. A decent way to get back into writing or learning how better to put your thoughts in writing. Just as long as you have something that you feel you care enough about to write on a consistent basis, not always the same subject matter but has to have some cohesion. If you interested just give it a try.
“I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects. But I make them for myself first and foremost - that is important.” Jacques-Henri Lartigue
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke"Vive L'Acadie, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort!"
I teched a show recently where a large corporation bought in a blogging expert to show employees just how powerful blogging has become. A slip in customer service for example years ago could do minor damage via word of mouth on the street, today word of mouth can spread via the blog with devastating results. I had a blog going a couple of years back which had some following, mostly positive comments. It was along the lines of "This is the world you're presented with but this is the world that is" Sort of like my normal Off topic postsIn the end, photography won the battle for my time. I still think blogging can be used creatively to produce desired results, something I believe we will see more of as the sport evolves.
I've tried to do it off and on and lately I've been a bit better at actually producing some words. I use it as a forum for discussing some of my images. You can find it here: Glenn Euloth Photography
I feel like I would like to do more blogging because I think it would be way cool to be someone people like to listen to but I'm not sure I'm interesting enoughUntil then I'll do it just for the fun of it.
The other topic I've thought about blogging about is karate which is my other endeavour but I haven't made the leap on that one yet. is linked into GMail and is very easy to get started with. If you are using Picasa as I am I can click on a button in Picasa and create a post right from there. Very easy.
Feel free to make comments on any of my shots
my blog:
My flickr photostream:
A painter takes their vision and makes it a reality. A photographer takes reality and makes it their vision.
My new blog as of Nov/10
Feel free to make comments on any of my shots
my blog:
My flickr photostream:
A painter takes their vision and makes it a reality. A photographer takes reality and makes it their vision.
I'd have a serious hacker on my team before I got an oil blog started, I'd want the source so buried in the muck that it could never be tracedI'll admit a healthy dose of fear regarding the power of those oil freaks!