Has anyone seen Rosie Hardy's work before?? Wow! Truly inspiring stuff (for me, anyways)!!
Flickr: rosiehardy's Photostream
It's not for everyone (and certainly not for the 'purists'!) And I know some would call it 'digital art' rather than 'photography'. Whatever you call it though... 'a rose by any other name...'
Of course, I tend to like the 'ends' of the photo-spectrums - unaltered capture-the-moment, candid, photojournalism type shots at the one end... and the really artistic/expressive/creative work at the other end. I guess I like 'extremes'.
Anyways... it brings me to my questions:
1) Is there a particular style of photo that really, really 'speaks to your soul?' If so, what, and why?
2) Have you come across any inspiring, muse-like photostreams on Flickr?