One thing always bothered me as a child when it came to the concept of religion and to this day I can’t really say I understand the notions I had as a ten year old. I was raised by parents whom it seems were never completely sure either. As far back as I can recall, our family unit was never completely solidified on one religious doctrine. First we were Baptist then Lutheran then Baptists again then this followed by that. I recall attending a church where people spoke in tongues and another where they did the gospel singing and a lot of “Oh Lordy, lordy, lordy have mercy on my soul type stuff. Through all of this and observing the totally different persuasions of my friends, I was left with a strange notion that many people on earth were believing and praying to different gods but the one thing they all had in common was the belief that they were right. There was no clear way to eternal life other than to believe in the God they subscribed to. This was a conundrum for a young boy because it seemed to me that out of all of these ways to heaven, only one could be right…Which one? Later in life it occurred to me that the beliefs we hold in this matter are handed down generation to generation, that is what our parents believe is ingrained in us, solidified as belief and passed to the next generation and so on. As a child it occurred to me that being born in England to parents who were Baptist I naturally adopted this belief pattern, however, had I been born five thousand miles in another direction I would perhaps have been a Muslim. Had I been born yet a few thousand miles in another direction I would have adopted the philosophy of Buddha. It clearly seemed to me that it was a cosmic “roll the dice” deal as to how my beliefs would be formed. To this day I wonder how and why we don’t see this? Who knows, if we survive long enough, put our petty disputes on the back burner, we may eventually reach other worlds and civilizations and yes…We will have to contend with even more beliefs! I just don’t get this. Your thoughts?