Some info on the Swine Flu Vaccine you may want to consider before getting a jab!
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Some info on the Swine Flu Vaccine you may want to consider before getting a jab!
There is a lot of talk about this. My friends two children just got the Swine Flu.. I won't be getting it for myself or my kids but sometimes wonder if this is wise....
I understand that everyone should be able to make decisions, but where does it end when it directly impacts on the health of others?
this clip lost me when it linked Autism as being caused by vaccines. This statement makes me furious! Not only is there no evidence that vaccines cause autism, there is direct evidence that it does not!
Vaccines save lives. Diseases do not. I will be getting the swine flu vaccine, so will my kids.
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One of the hotels I do shows in has hand sanitizing machines everywhere you look, literally, you can't walk more than 30' in any given direction without bumping into one. My apartment building has one by the elevator doors on every floor. The research I've done online seems to conclude that Swine flu is no more of a problem than regular seasonal flu. There are reports and sworn testimonies that it is a lab created disease, doctors and journalists laying charges against the WHO, US Government and many other high rollers. The charges claim mass murder, genocide....It's a tough nut to get an accurate handle on. Media generated panic to up the profits of drug companies? I won't be touching the stuff but that's an easy call to make as I am just making it for me..... I just don't know :cry-an:
I think the main people behind the swine flue hype are all the people making huge profits by it. Pharmaceutical companies aren't making the vaccine for free, and the people who make the supplies like hand cleaners, masks, and needles must be loving the boom in business. High risk people it may be important, but I think healthy people will most likely get ill, but survive. I've even heard those of us that are older most likely have some antibodies for it just from the exposure of various flues for the last 50 years. That is what happened during the Spanish flue. I think it is for everyone to make their own decision as there is hype from both sides.
I agree with the hype. we are dealing with it here too. There are those whom it hits hard: the young, elderly and immune compromised. It's also been documented to be bad for pregnant women I work in health care so will defintely get the vaccine to prevent me passing it to others.
I watch a documentary once that showed that Doctors' were the worst culprits in passing germs as they don't wash their hands between patients!!
but the whole autism - vaccine thing drives me nutty.
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Interesting Bambi. I'd never heard of the link between autism and vaccination before but find myself intrigued now, enough to start a little research and data base building. Do you by chance have any links that refute this claim from a scientific perspective because that would sure help me in my quest to weed out the nutbars on this topic.
absolutely. A quick look gave me this link for you: CBC News - Health - No link between autism and vaccinations: study
the basic premise goes like this: many children demonstrate symptoms of autism around 18-24 months. Many children also get their vaccines at this age. ergo the vaccine caused the autism. there are a number of basic flaws in this premise that anyone who puts some thought into can see:
1. you cannot make causal inferences from correlational data. All you can say is that they appear related but there can be a a third factor of which you are unaware that is the cause of both. For example, birds fly south around october/november. it starts to get cold in october/november. ergo the birds flying south caused it to get cold.
2. research has shown that there are specific periods in child development when major neurological changes occur. often these coincide with vaccinations. often seizure disorders will manifest themselves at around 18 months as well.
3. there is now a North American wide survey looking at siblings of children with autism. Here are some of the results: the incidence of autism in siblings is much higher then in the regular population. More interestingly from the perspective of this topic: signs and indications of Autism can be seen as early as 9 months of age. what is most likely happening that it is around 18-24 months that parents become concerned that something is wrong. Most often due to a lack of development in communication skills. the other behaviors that may be present are not as concerning at the time.
I hope this helps. In my opinion it is this myth that has resulted in more harm then good. I understand that parents want a reason as to why their child has this disorder and science has been slow in identifying it. We are closer but not there yet. As a result many parents are not getting the vaccine and children are becoming ill and some are dying needlessly. these so called child hood diseases are not harmless. As a child I almost died from the measles and as an adult I developed shingles which is the chicken pox virus that has gone into the nerve endings. It lays dormant for many years and then -bingo. Let me tell you shingles ain't fun! I developed shingles from being exposed to a child who had the chicken pox because the mother 'didn't believe in vaccinations'.
I also think that by focussing on vaccinations, the parents putting their energies in the wrong place.
Jenny McCarthy has done more to harm the cause of autism then I have seen in many many years. Autism may be preventable but we are many years from determining that. it is not reversible.
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There you go trying to kill a perfectly good conspiracy theory with facts. Bird do make it cold with all the flapping of their wings.
Latest one I heard today is that the vaccine is part of a terrorist plot to wipe out the North American continent.![]()
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