Here in Vancouver we are bombarded with adds on radio about being "powersmart" Look for the energy star, as if to discover the freaking thing will lead us to Mecca! Now our beautiful Grouse mountain skyline has a twenty story high white wind turbine erected for all of us to marvel. It will save 20-25% of the power needed to feed the ski resort annually. While the rest of us are told to turn stuff off and conserve power, Grouse mountain ski hill leaves its vastly powerful ski hill lights on 24/7 365 day a year! Now, without consulting those who cherish the grand mountain view, they erect a twenty story high white eyesore wind turbine! I'm told to turn off that which I'm not using to help conserve energy while those BEEaaattches burn huge mercury vapor lamps so the summer berry eating bears can snack 24/7? !!!! End rant!
Isn't it just lovely!
Taken from Deer lake many miles to the south. I maybe wrong that they burn the lights 24/7 they may turn them off in the daytime (I would) but they burn all night long in the summer for no good reason!