This past weekend, I was browsing an antique store with my wife, something we have never done because she doesn’t like antiques. I come across a painting (which I thought was just a print at first) by an artist name Aldo Luongo. It was cheaply framed and under glass, that’s why it was difficult to tell if it was a print or original. It was mostly flat (like a print), but it had paint that you could see in certain spots. Plus, it was on art board, not paper.
It was $125 and of course my wife says, “You don’t need that!”, so I passed on it. It’s been eating at me for two days now, and after doing more research on it and contacting his gallery, I have learned it is an original, not a print. His prints sell for $50-$200. His originals sell for $2000-$5000.
It’s going to be a long two days before I can get back to the store and buy it. I just like the painting, not buying it to re-sell.