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Pet Peeves

This is a discussion on Pet Peeves within the Off topic forum forums, part of the General category; haha. yeah sorry about that. just kind of got started. dont know what it is, sometimes I start writing and ...

  1. #21
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    haha. yeah sorry about that. just kind of got started. dont know what it is, sometimes I start writing and cant stop. My rants are my own personal pet peeve.

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    I kinda agree with you about negative people though JJ They are draining. I've been thinking about what my PP's are the last few days and that one is definitely up there.

    People that don't maintain their sidewalks after it snows or ices up! I had a fall in January that cost me $1400 in dental work (slipped, landed on my face, broke a crown and my dental didn't cover it!!) due to a neighbour's unmaintained icy sidewalk. Downright dangerous!

    Reading F8's post about unhelpful, disinterested sales staff is definitely another one of my huge irritants mostly because I am kind of at the mercy of these people if I need help !

    Another one I have is younger able-bodied people who don't give up their seat to elderly or less mobile folks on public transit yet still sit in the areas specifically reserved for those people. That makes my blood boil!
    Along the same lines...People who get on the bus with these enormous baby strollers and displace the same elderly/less mobile people so they can conveniently fold the seat up and park the stroller there!

    Oh and one more now that I've just gotten back from walking my dog...people that don't pick up after their dogs...I think it's just simply lazy and irresponsible and no excuse for it!

    There's my on this topic. Now back to my happy place!
    Last edited by casil403; 03-17-2009 at 12:03 PM. Reason: Additional thoughts
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    What I get from everyone's "rant" is the the same as my own pet peeve. People who don't show respect for others. Whether it's parents who can't control their child in a restaurant, road hogs, over zealous forum moderators, or ignorant public transit riders.

    I just don't understand why we can't all just get along. I think this is the reason why I enjoy this forum so much. Everyone is very nice to each other even when they're poking fun (without being overly politically correct). Just plain old respect! Let's keep it up, people, it's good on ya!

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    Nicely said Ig

    Photography is more than just taking a picture and freezing the action, or leaving the shutter open. It is more than orchestrating the image with the stroke of a brush. Its the realization and explanation that reality is an isolated experience in which only a specific individual can comprehend during any given time period. - Your Truly!

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    On a more upbeat note, I would just like to say thanks to Marko. The reason this forum runs as smoothly and cooperatively as it does would not have happened without the right moderator. Thanks again Marko. You've done a good job here.

    Photography is more than just taking a picture and freezing the action, or leaving the shutter open. It is more than orchestrating the image with the stroke of a brush. Its the realization and explanation that reality is an isolated experience in which only a specific individual can comprehend during any given time period. - Your Truly!

  6. #26
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    Tailgaters bother me to no end especially when I'm always ten klicks over the limit when I drive. Four or five feet off my bumper in a one tom machine is pure stupidity. I have sent a few of them into the ditch using my hard brake then accelerate routine. How would they like it if I followed them around at work with a loaded handgun six inches off the back of their skull. This is most decidedly a RANT!!!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaw View Post
    Tailgaters bother me to no end especially when I'm always ten klicks over the limit when I drive. Four or five feet off my bumper in a one tom machine is pure stupidity. I have sent a few of them into the ditch using my hard brake then accelerate routine. How would they like it if I followed them around at work with a loaded handgun six inches off the back of their skull. This is most decidedly a RANT!!!
    Yeah, what he said.

    Photography is more than just taking a picture and freezing the action, or leaving the shutter open. It is more than orchestrating the image with the stroke of a brush. Its the realization and explanation that reality is an isolated experience in which only a specific individual can comprehend during any given time period. - Your Truly!

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    People who name their kids STUPID things! We all know who they are. I just don't understand why they would name their kid something like "Dice" or something. I don't know why, but it makes me angry.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaw View Post
    Tailgaters bother me to no end especially when I'm always ten klicks over the limit when I drive..
    That one gets me too, when I'm already going over the posted speed limit. One time I had the satisfaction of seeing the offender pulled over by the police a ways up the road after he passed me with lots of hand gestures. That gets me even more, all the expressions of anger anytime you make the slightest error in judgement or even if you didn't and they're just in a rush. All the one-finger salutes, horn honking and gum flapping. People are wound up tighter than a spring these days.

    But on the other side of the coin.... doesn't it seem that it's always when you're running late for something important that you get behind farmer joe going 30km/hr in a single lane 50 zone?

  10. #30
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    Okay I found this thread to rant a bit...

    So yesterday I am going to pick up some take out sushi for dinner. I get to the door, open the door and am promptly greeted with a large splat noise and directly in front of me half way in and half way out the door lying face down is a toddler just barely over I would say a year old.

    My heart proceeded to jump into my throat as I see the poor kid lying there and I think i got the scare of my life in recent memory anyhow. Dad saunters over casually and apologizes...I promptly yet gently tell him he should keep a better eye on his kid. Mum continues to just sit there on the bench and wait, completely unconcerned as to what has just happened....she didn't even more...I swear. So they both continue to let the kid play around in the same area where the kid face planted not 10 seconds ago. I am completely freaked out pay for my food...can barely remember paying for it (I don't know if I even picked up the right order until i got home...I'm glad they checked) as I was till wigged out about the incident that just happened. I look around and see a bottle of water spilled all over the floor and lo and behold the kid is holding a water bottle. I also see a massive stroller blocking the entry way to the restaurant. They couldn't even take the time to move it out of the way.

    These people were absolutely friggin' clueless and I am still bothered by being greeted with a kid doing a face plant right in front of me. I wonder about parents sometimes and I can only imagine how they let the kid act in the restaurant...I'll just bet at one point he got to run around in between the tables and chairs while they ate their meal oblivious.
    Anyhow I am posting this b/c it is still bothering me. To see that kid do that...I am just glad he wasn't hurt.
    It freaked the bejebus outta me though. And I can't believe how out of it some parents are which is even more bothersome.
    End rant.
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