Oooookaaaaayyy. Soooo, I took a few pictures of my nephew yesterday. His uncle (not my brother because he is my friend's kid) posed with him for a picture. I ended up putting it in B&W and I posted it up on Facebook. A short while later, I get an email from the uncle (he's actually been a family friend for 10 years) with an edited version of the picture I put up(he had lightened his face since he has a dark complexion). Rather than, putting up the picture he sent, I lightened up his face on my own and put that up.
He got angry and said "this pic looks completely retarded and lightened" to which I replied
"You're more than welcome to use your own version of the pic on FB, if you want. I can even send you the original so that my sig won't be on it. I just prefer to put up my own work (including the post processing). And while this *was* re-lightened, it was only your face and Rahim's [my nephew] (because it would be strange for him to have him look DARKER when he actually has a LIGHTER skin tone than you). I haven't lightened anything else in the picture though. I would offer to untag you but I see you've already done that. So, let me know if you want the original, and I'll send it over. I'm sorry you feel that way."
and then he said "delete me out of this picture"
Now, I refuse to crop him out because it would ruin the pic. And seeing how he's already untagged himself from the photo, those of you on FB know that it won't show up on his profile or anything. I see it as pointless in deleting him out. My question to you, is this unethical? I mean, he's a family friend but at the same time, it's my picture to do with what I want. What would you do in my situation?