Never flown with the gear and it aint goin down below. For those who have taken flights my carry on bag is a lowpro smallish backpack containing a laptop, d800, 70-200 mm, 18-35mm, 28-300 mm, 85mm, p7100 point and shoot, Olympus indestructible point and shoot, 160gb ipod and headphones, rocket brush and lens cloth and one spare d800 battery. it weighs in at 21-22lbs. Chargers and tripod will go underneath in my suitcase. Anything wrong with the carry on from an airlines perspective? I'm kind of hoping some of you are seasoned flyers who can help spot the glitches if any in my plan. I don't fly much as I freaking hate it! All input helpful.cheers.
ETA...Air Canada Airbus something...BIG! Me no likey!!!!