Anyone familiar with paypal? I had my new alpha up for sale with a couple lenses and someone offered to buy it on craigslist. I have never used paypal and some of the details of the transaction seemed kind of fishy. I just wanted to get a second opinion on it before I continue. I was supposed to ship it out today, but am holding off on it until I get a second opinion. There is a lady who says she is buying it for a friend and offered an extra hundred dollars above my asking price to ship it to the destination. The destination is located in NIGERIA and shipping is $50 and she offered $100. It doesn't make sense to me that someone asked if I would sell for less, then say they don't care, then offer $50 MORE than what it would cost to ship the item. At this point I started second guessing everything. It seemed fishy at that point, but I figured I would proceed. I received an 'email' from paypal saying the funds were pending until I would send the tracking number to another email address, which was not a paypal extension. Once the email and tracking number was received, the funds would then be transferred into my account. Since that point I have hesitated as I believe in money talks, BS walks. The idea of sending a brand new camera less then two months old and two lenses to NIGERIA without having any money before shipping the item. Without the money I will not ship it but understand paypals policy for protecting both parties. If someone here can verify or explain the process through which paypal uses, it would be greatly appreciated.
I have also received another 'email' from pay pal saying this......(copy and paste)
We received a complaint over the Money sent to your PayPal account by Patricia Rose.We have Rigorously cross checked the Money sent to you by and its confirmed and intact but Pending. But we need to verify and be sure that you have shipped the Merchandise to the buyer before the Money can be funded to your PayPal account. This Measure is taken for online security check for both the Buyer and the Seller, and we will like you to abide by all PayPal rules as regards this Payment.
We will like you to ship out the item as soon as you see this email from PayPal and get back to us with the shipment tracking number of the item, so that we can verify it and credit your account with immediate effect.
Our Record shows that you are a PayPal user with less than 4years of transactions using PayPal, so we need to prove beyond all reasonable doubts that you are legitimate and thats why we need you to send us a proof of shipment for this transaction, so as to secure the buyer from Fraud
Heres the email address that the tracking number should be sent to: (transactionupdates@
We shall be looking forward to hear from you soon.
Thank you for using PayPal!!
The PayPal Customer Protection Service.