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The vaccine coverup

This is a discussion on The vaccine coverup within the Off topic forum forums, part of the General category; Please forgive me, but this thread is in need of a descriptive photograph. I see a lot of what is ...

  1. #11
    Barefoot's Avatar
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    Please forgive me, but this thread is in need of a descriptive photograph. I see a lot of what is being discussed here in this image.

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  2. #12
    Bambi's Avatar
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    seriously- can you really credit that the entire medical community worldwide is engaged in such a massive coverup that only these fringe websites can report it?

    There is more actually, accredited, peer reviewed studies that show a greater link between birth defects and contracting MMR and other diseases while pregnant.

    I hate that gets perpetrated as it leads to more damage than not.

    and if anyone dares bring up the supposed link between vaccines and autism, I swear I will come to your house and make you read all of the scientific articles. all.of.them.
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    I was starting to get worried Bambi wondering where you were here.
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    Sorry Bambi...I should probably have mentioned that this particular study was poking more at the UK and the regarding some bad policy making in their disease prevention methods. The 'Fringe website" obviously shone a light on it but the PDF report is the real meat here. I wasn't trying to relate vaccines to autism again as this has more to do with other afflictions that seemingly walked hand in hand with the various vaccines mentioned in the report. I should have made it more clear I guess the focus of the report. Now I'm going to have to lend a hand gluing some of your feathers back on If you have reports to share though, I'd be more than willing to get copies as the more data in the files I collect, the more accurate the info I collect becomes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by casil403 View Post

    I was starting to get worried Bambi wondering where you were here.

    [QUOTE=Michaelaw;138271 Now I'm going to have to lend a hand gluing some of your feathers back on .[/QUOTE]

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    well crap- I posted a bunch of links but screwed up somehow.
    Unless it's a conspiracy...
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