It's been a year and a few weeks since I took the director of Audiovisual services position and you may have noticed I'm not posting as much and have had no time for world affairs let alone conspiracy rantsMy former life as a freelancer was one hell of a lot simpler, show up, tech the show, put it all away and go home. I could tech half a day (4 hour meeting) and get enough coin to survive with the rest of the day off to shoot
Summertime was my enemy as was Christmas because I faced a total of four months with no wages...Yes there was always ei but it's no joyride collecting that paltry sum in comparison to your now flat lined way of life. So now, after a year of madness, building shows, booking technicians, ordering gear for banks, government agencies and snake oil salesmen, I get two weeks to myself. It all starts tomorrow and not a moment too soon. Tonight I have a cold case of beer, big smile on my mug and a certain finger extended to my other fifty weeks of lifestyle! I had choices for this vacation... Merida, Mexico, just show up and cover what you eat and drink, free lodging with an old friend and her man. Toronto...Fly out, free lodging blah, blah, blah, with an old girlfriend. A couple of other similar situations here and there but at the end of the day, I go sideways choosing a road trip to somewhere around Regina and back...Madness!
My Ford Focus is turning eight, has an iffy alternator and Thirty percent left on the tires, but it has a mission!...Get me to Regina and back with little or no problemsI don't have the budget for problems! Put all your faith in the Ford, an idea that would give many people the heebie jeebies. The four beer I've had tonight are not blocking the fear I'm feeling regarding the wisdom of this trip but it's too late to back out, the trunk is packed with cans of tuna, beans and corn, bandaids and camera gear. To make matters worse, my ex is demanding daily reports because...Well, "People go missing all the time out there!"
The reason behind this doomed idea stems from the 1970's and the warped visions of a younger man staring through the window of a VIA bar car at blurry visions of antiquity on the prairies and swearing he'd return someday to do it justice with a camera. The strange part of all that is the young man had no idea what an f stop was
For me it's a total break out, a big finger to what I've become. The last time I did this trip I was twenty five, drove from T.O to Vancouver island in a 1967 GM pickup truck I bought off a farmer for four hundred bucks. This truck sat in a field for four years because the farmer was too drunk to get it home and then couldn't remember where he'd left it and bought another one. Apart from a wheel falling off near Sudbury, it was an allstar, got me anyplace I needed to go. They don't build em like that anymore, and that scares the crap out of me! Anyway, if all goes well, I'm gonna have a boatload of shots of all that stuff I thought would make sense years ago as I stared out at the prairie landscape from a VIA Rail barcar...See you all on the flip side