I think this has been linked to before but I am going to start a thread just for this topic.
It is from Craig Tanner's website. He has a podcast as well as a written article on this. Right here
It is well worth the about thirty minutes it takes to listen to. What he is really saying is that talent rather being an innate aptitude that one is born with it is more a lot of hard work, learning, application of what is learned and practice, practice, practice.
So whether it is photography you aspire to or something other you can achieve your goals.
A couple of other links from his article:
Speaking of talent - here is a link from Joe McNally's most recent blog post.
A very powerful piece of writing that is made even more poignant by comments from the readers particularily two who were young kids at the time, both influenced by Joe's work to follow their later professions. Joe is a well known photographer who is revered by other photographers, a photographer's photographer, but his stories are self deprecating, humourous and very informative in explaining his often seat of the pants approach to these big projects.