i know I am not as involved since the accident but fu ck it comes full circles sometimes. So just thought for those interested I thought I would bore you one whats going on, on the photography front for me.
Well finally back at it full time just made some adjustments on how and what I shoot. I stared doing bands but only now do their show when on stage only since unable to to it for 8 to 12 hours or longer shows still but I am not giving up hope yet on that front about the festival shows just yet, maybe by next year, I do all their promo shots and website, publication photos and CD covers and an other photography they need and work with a band from the start to the end of the bands current project.
Still do my fine Art photography with a sh_it load of new passion. I do magazines and fashion shoots for the some edgiest high end lingerie shops, some tasteful but but alt and edgy boudoir magazines and some private boudoir photos. It has been nice not stopped in 8 days now and just MOFO loving it. Screw pain, there are photos I still need to take damn it hahahhha.
For someone who avoided strobes and crap for most of my photography life, in with both feet now.
EDIT: I will just do a separate post for the photo, I not sure why anyone cannot see it but I will re upload and try again.