Had a few of you pm'ing or emailing me, asking about the floods we are experiencing here in Sth East Qld. To date I've answered that all is well for us directly ... and they still are ... just.
The situation here has escalated a heap over the course of the past few hours after a big day yesterday that saw an inland tsunami run a wall of water through a plateau town called Toowoomba about 2 hours west of us. I never would have thought that Toowoomba could possibly flood. But 72 people are still unaccounted for after it hit them yesterday afternoon and at least 8 are confirmed dead. Amazing scenes.
I've just rushed home from work to ensure that I could actually get home. The bottom of our street has a golf course which, after the river burst it's banks, is now one big water-trap! Another 200mm of water rise and the bottom of our street starts to go under water as well. Thankfully it will take another 5 metres of water rise to actually reach our house ... of course by then our house might be full of other people who live in the houses below us!!!
The forecast is another 12 hours of heavy rain. We've had up to 170mm per hour for the past few hours here. Huge!
There's worse to come for our city CBD yet.
My brother Graeme (the one battling cancer right now) has water literally lapping at his doorsteps ... and he doesn't actually have steps. My other brother (who has a big Toyota 4x4) had to go pick up Graeme's son Dean who was stuck at Kindergarten.
His father in law is in hospital undergoing a heart operation, just to add to their emotion trauma of cancer and flood.
In the end I think we'll all be ok![]()