More stuff I stumbled upon, this is some of the earliest colour film you may ever see as the poster at youtube mentioned. Absolutely wonderful little film. A must see for any film or photography buffs.
Kodak 1922 Kodachrome Film Test
This is a discussion on Kodak 1922 Kodachrome Film Test within the Off topic forum forums, part of the General category; More stuff I stumbled upon, this is some of the earliest colour film you may ever see as the poster ...
More stuff I stumbled upon, this is some of the earliest colour film you may ever see as the poster at youtube mentioned. Absolutely wonderful little film. A must see for any film or photography buffs.
Kodak 1922 Kodachrome Film Test
“I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects. But I make them for myself first and foremost - that is important.” Jacques-Henri Lartigue
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke"Vive L'Acadie, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort!"