The cloud seems to have moved on, live is once again normalized. Upon consulting the Oracle, I have come to believe my ex brought this ill wind with her I thought I was gonna snap for a while there. Funny thing I've learned over time, ones life can be right down the middle sometimes but it can make a ninety degree turn at any given moment. Not to say my recent issues were major items but reflecting on them brought me to pondering the idea of change and its certain arrival. Be it good or bad, change is a certainty. Survival depends on only one thing!...Flexibility! It's been an incredible month of learning opportunity for me and as usual I only get the message when reflecting on the events. Anyway, here for fun is a clipped version of the ex visit She emailed me said she was coming and would rent a room locally. In the haze of old affection for someone I once knew I offered her a space for free. Seeing her for the first time at the airport (watching for her bags to appear on the carousel) I got a wave of feelings spirited from twelve year old memories. I had counted on this and truth be told, expected it. The week she was here and every time she opened her mouth slowly took me back twelve years to the memory of how it became a shattered game back then. Her message was clear, she wanted me back. I would never have to work again and she'd buy me a brand new Focus with stick shift, leather seats and power everything. Long story short she walked out of here pissed. She didn't count on change