OK what types of storage do people use when on the road?
Any recommendations or strict warnings?
I am debating buying lots of cards or one of those portable hard drives that will read memory cards. (Marko possible pod cast here)
This is a discussion on On the road? within the Off topic forum forums, part of the General category; OK what types of storage do people use when on the road? Any recommendations or strict warnings? I am debating ...
OK what types of storage do people use when on the road?
Any recommendations or strict warnings?
I am debating buying lots of cards or one of those portable hard drives that will read memory cards. (Marko possible pod cast here)
I take several small cards ... 2 and 4GB ... that way not ALL my photos are lost if a card fails. On holiday we also take a laptop and save them onto that as well each night giving us two copies or the ability to clear cards and keep shooting.
What about this? Seems portable enough....
ColorSpace 320GB Viewer | TheCameraStore.com
"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives"-anonymous
My website: www.albertaandbeyond.com
I'm like MA - but I tend to use 4 or 8 GB cards and transfer them to a laptop at the end of the day.
If you are biking and have all gear w/you at all times, the laptop of course will add extra weight. But If you have a 'base' you could leave the laptop there with other stuff and transfer at the end of the day.
A netbook is a great idea! and can be purchased for cheaper than the fancy (though GOOD ) gadget in casil's link.
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
Well I picked up an Acer Aspire 1 Netbook with a 250G hard drive in it, it was $330.00 much less than the dedicated units. Yes it is larger, but it also has more capabilities and a screen I can actually see the images on.
FastStone Image Viewer, Screen Capture, Photo Resizer ... has a good free (I donated to the cause) view/organizer that will view the raw images. With gpicsync - Project Hosting on Google Code I can sync my daily GPS log with the images so I know where I shot them. Now if only I could steal some of Casil's creative talent I'd be set.
Greg, if weight is a consideration, may I suggest you take THIS camera along? Not quite sure what lenses will fit it ... but it would be light.
~~ Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ~~