I'd like to nominate Travis's ice photo from this thread
Post your ice shot here
This is a discussion on February 2009 - Nominate other member's images HERE within the Member's monthly choice forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I'd like to nominate Travis's ice photo from this thread http://www.photography.ca/Forums/showthread.php?t=2193...
I'd like to nominate Travis's ice photo from this thread
Post your ice shot here
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
I nominate another one of Michaelaw's photos. I admire the sharpness, contrast, colour, composition and the framing. Great shot ML!
Hmm..I think we are missing some photos in here!!!! I don't want to enter them..hard enough to have to decide tomorrow - but I know we must be missing some!!!
I have my selections..don't know who to pass them to or how to do a poll thing!! Internet is off and on (more off) today so I'll try to get back on and send them to whomever!!
It's easy peasey Kat
Just start a new thread and under the text box you type in you see Additonal Options. In that section is the fields for adding a Poll. Just select 5 and then put in the names of the 5 photos you chose.
Usually there's an option for hiding the results and an expiry but this forum either doesn't offer that or Marko has it turned off.
Back up in the text box copy and paste the photos in with those names so we know which you are reffering to.
Maybe state how long we have to vote ... I'd suggest max of 2 weeks. All regular visitors should have been here by then.
Kat has made her choices and sent them to me since she was having trouble.
I will post them on her behalf along with an anonymous poll at some point today.
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
Ok everyone - Kat has chosen her five finalists so please vote in the poll at this link http://www.photography.ca/Forums/members-monthly-choice/2254-february-2009-member-image-finalists-vote-here-please.html#post13201
If any of this needs clarification please post it in this very thread or PM me.
Thanks as always!
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
Congrats to the 4 people whose photos made up the 5 finalists.
Must have been a tough job choosing those Kat.
And ummmm ah!! Ben_H spoke in the voting thread.He's in troubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbble now!
yeah I saw that too, i'll gently delete.
I wanted no posting in that thread so as not to influence the votes...
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.