Here's one I shot yesterday. I was just playing with your standard clamp lights used in garage.
I had one clamped on the boom above her and my assistant was holding the other one as the
main light. This alternative lighting stuff is a lot of fun.
This is a discussion on Playing With Shop Lights within the Lighting forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Here's one I shot yesterday. I was just playing with your standard clamp lights used in garage. I had one ...
Here's one I shot yesterday. I was just playing with your standard clamp lights used in garage.
I had one clamped on the boom above her and my assistant was holding the other one as the
main light. This alternative lighting stuff is a lot of fun.
Here's a pullback of the setup from the above image.
very nice, I really like that corrugated backdrop.
Lovely shot!
Feel free to make comments on any of my shots
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A painter takes their vision and makes it a reality. A photographer takes reality and makes it their vision.
very nice outcome with your 'lights'. must have been a powerful electric fan also to have her hair flying. very satisfying using these equipments,