Hello all! I'm new to the Photography.ca forums, but not exactly new to Photography.ca since Marko has interviewed me for a few podcasts over the years. Just this month Marko, my wife and I were able to finally meet in person and spend some enjoyable hours shooting and talking together on a lovely spring day in his beautiful home city of Montreal. As a result, I thought it was high time I actually registered with the forums.
I'm an enthusiastic photographer and printer, doing all my work in the art & craft since the advent of digital. I never spent any significant time working with film, just messing around with 35mm as a youngster before setting it aside for education, job, and all of the other stuff of so-called responsible life.
My first career was in IT for 30+ years. Having a lot of experience with digital technology it was probably inevitable that when I did re-discover photography and begin my journey with it, my focus would be captured by the strong potential that digital began to quickly reveal in the early 2000's. By the mid-2000's I discovered digital inkjet printing, and that set off a whole new level of obsession that frames much of my work, now that the first career has been retired. Suffice it to say that while I'm very comfortable with the digital toolset and enjoy the creative control it affords, I'm truly passionate about the expressive print. That in turn has created an appreciation for virtually every era of photography back to the beginning.
Anyway, that's enough for now. I look forward to getting to know the Photography.ca forum over the next while. Cheerio...