Well even though this is my 3rd post, i guess i will still attempt an introduction. (These are always long for me)
Hello, my handle is Keego (not my real name). I am a gamer, i am 27 years old and i guess I've always been into photography in some form or another. Couple hundred photos on my phone, almost 400 screenshots (which are essentially photos) on my steam of game scenes and other interesting things i find. Imgur has tons more of my non steam gaming photos, so like i said i guess I've always been into photography.
Until recently I've never really done much other then see something and want to capture what i see, so i can later view it at a later date. I finally gave the store some money and got my hands on some hardware, a Nikon D3200. I thought ok cool, now i can take better photos of what i can see.
Boy was i wrong, i tend to see myself as a techy and mechanically inclined individual and i started learning about the exposure triangles. Within 24 hours i was shooting full manual, minimal use of autofocus even. Recently I've been experimenting with going beyond my own visual preception and trying to see the angle i always miss, capture the moment that doesn't last long enough before you blink and it's gone.
The idea if manipulating time with a still photo, it's very cool and super interesting. If you made it this far and didn't type in a fast response and moved onto the next person, then maybe you say a little something in your response about how you got into photography, and if you have any really great tips you've enjoyed during your adventures. I hope to explore a bit in the future, i do have a 4x4 jeep, so i am hoping to find good shots!