There is an upcoming Fashion show and they are offering Photography passes to students and professionals. Now since I am far from a professional and a self taught student at the moment anyone have any ideas on how I may want to word my application to try and get a photography pass? I may have better luck shooting for a professional pass as I can use my Graphics Company as a reference but prefer being honest and seeing if I can get a pass, although would hate to be so honest I do not get a pass. Any thoughts or ideas? Should I just tell the truth and hope for the best or fudge the truth and go for it? They do want contact info for either application it is why the student one may be more difficult to get. I don't have to submit my photos to them for any reason unless I want to enter a contest they are having. It is one of those moral dilemmas, do I be honest or do I put on the charm and lie lol, my preference would to be upfront, but ......