Hope I am not posting too much m first time here lol. Anyway I am looking at one of these, http://www.hyperdrive.com/ and the reason is I own 10 gb's of CF cards and I am finding since I am new to DSLR and I am only shooting in the manual settings my cards are getting full fairly fast. Last week I was at the Toronto Islands and I shot 637 photos but many I did not keep but I use and try different settings until I am far more familiar with the Camera and how to shoot with it. I am shooting that much close to home which is not a problem but I plan on doing some Ghost Towns and some other out of the way shooting. My fear is to be somewhere and run out of space to shoot on.
I was going to buy another CF card but for the cost of two I can get one of those and from what I heard from other photographers they are durable and fast. What I am looking for is are there any alternatives anyone knows about or uses? With the weight of my Camera equipment lugging around a Laptop is not a feasible option. I am leaning towards one of these as they are lightweight and practical but always like to look into alternatives, so far the alternatives seem far more expensive and not as simple and durable. Just thought since I am here I would inquire if anyone uses one or anything similar? These have a viewer (some models) and contain a laptop HD in them. Rechargeable also.