I was wondering how people feel about photo editing...
I use to subscribe to a photo mag from the U.k. when I started shooting digital. I loved the images and how they achieved them. The more I read these mags, the more it seemed they push for digital editing. Then, I started to look through some photos of Authors whose names I regurlarly heard. Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Eugene Smith. They blew me away.
I wondered if theses GREATS would edit their photos as many do today.
I don't use Photoshop. I do use PSP from time to time if I feel realy creative. I feel that using a program such as Photoshop is kinda like cheating. I do understand it is a godsend for such things as commercial photography, like in advertising. But, when I went to a gallery in D.C a while ago, I stood there wondering, is it "REAL".
How do you feel about photographers that push the "shoot now, edit later" philosophy? How do you feel about photographers that might 'edit out' a stray branch, an electrical wire, or add a Beautiful Blue Sky with cotton-y clouds?
I myself love to push color and contrast. And yes, I am still learning how to 'CREATE' a photo like one of the GREATS. I'd just rather spend hours behind my camera then in front of a monitor. Should I continue with that old fashioned way of thinking? Or should I just shut my yap and jump on the wagon?