Hi i just helped launch www.picli.com - its basically a constantly changing gallery of quality content - a portal to inspiration. Users upload pictures - they all vote on them and our algorithm updates the main page with the most popular at that given time, so if your bored at work - you can go to picli.com and know that you'll see some great pictures instantly
We want this to be a great way for artists and photographers to showcase their talent and drive traffic and interest back to their own personal portfolio websites. - next to each title is the option to put in a link back to your site (if you have one)
We just this second introduced a whole host of new features - rss image feeds, language support, custom views, search and more. In taking our next steps in development we really want as much feedback as possible so we're actively seeking it out. - There's only two of us creating and maintaining the entire thing so prioritizing users needs is very important to us.
I'll check back on this thread or you can contact me at sean at picli dot com
Thanks guys