This is probably directed toward Mbrager , Marko or anyone else with black and white film processing experience.
Just wondering if anyone may be able to help with some advice or suggestions.
Contrary to what I said on a previous post on this forum, I am starting to do a bit more film photography. As I suggested at the time, I am drawn to the process but previously haven't been patient enough to do it justice. I am trying to change that and have few rolls of film in various vintage cameras that I have had lying around.
I am also planning to start processing my own film soon and am hoping someone may be able to guide me in chemical selection. At this stage I intend a hybrid approach I will scanning the negatives for further processing rather than darkroom printing.
Reviewing the web, everyone has an opinion as to what is an ideal developer. It seems that no-one seems to fussed about which the stop bath/ fixer or wetting agent to use. Is this reasonable?
The main part of the question relates to any suggestions for a developer to use. I intend using a Patterson tank. I would be looking for something somewhat universal and not specific to one film type. I have heard that Ilford Ilfosol 3 may be suitable and not too expensive? It is included in a starter kit provided by Ilford. Or should I change developer depending upon film being used? Does it really matter? Any other thoughts or suggestions ?
The 3 films I currently have in the cameras are Ilford FP4 125, Kodak Tri-X 400 and Ilford Delta 400.