A few weeks ago I posted this image to my Flickr page and this forum.
steps by runmonty, on Flickr
Now I am not overly attached to the image, but it is something that is not an obvious photo to take and required a little "out of the box" thinking at the time. A few days ago I saw that a local photographer that follows me on Flickr had posted the following image. According to the EXIF it was taken 2 days after I uploaded mine to Flickr .
Now I know that anyone can take any image they like and I know I am often influenced by other photographers myself, but I will confess to feeling a bit p....ed off when I saw this. To me it was a direct copy of what I had done. Am I being petty or am I somewhat justified in my reaction. I would appreciate honest opinions.
Michelle Robinson_April (Olympus) 2014_41 by michmutters, on Flickr