This is a discussion on Do you have a Facebook account? within the General photography forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Originally Posted by kat If I could get my fishing game without facebook I'd never be on!!! That made me ...
I have an account too, and some friends on facebook, but lately I'm not so active. I'm checking my account once a week.
I will step in and second what Michael has said. I have always been one to go against the grain. Not in a radical fashion, but more along the lines of playing devils advocate. If someone says one thing, I will say the other, just to listen to their thought process or their justifications on their position. I too am not a big fan of facebook. I joined in the first few months it first was developed and took it down a couple months later. I have recently signed back up in the past couple months. I have had a ton of criticism from other artists(music) that said it was a great way to get your work out there. After listening to their advice, I started a facebook and myspace account. Myspace didnt really do anything but facebook BLEW UP! Almost overnight people Ive known for years, looked at my work and wanted something. Although it is not the best place to display pictures, I am adament on displaying low res bad quality images online. It does not make sense to me to display high res images, it just seems like bad news. Not only that, from a business standpoint, word of mouth is the best type of marketing their is. In my case, I have just put pictures up and let people say what they want. I have not solicited any business but have had made some major networking advances with other well known photographers. As many of you have stated, the internet preys upon the freedom of information, so Ive always figured it was better to display a bad, low res photo(less than 1 meg) on facebook, than display a quality, high res(greater than 2 megs) picture on flickr or smugmug. I have always considered myself a law obiding citizen and transparent in everyway. The notion that people "know" something about me is quite comical as I have nothing to hide and will tell someone anything if they asked. I have always criticized anyone that has joined facebook and found myself there in the end. I have found that it is what you make of it. It is just like this forum, but it revolves around me, myself, and I. It is what you make of it. If you make facebook a serious part of your life, you will probably be disappointed, but if you take if for face value, it can be a something better if you utilize it properly. Friends dont mean anything to me on facebook. My friends are the ones that call on a regular basis, facebook is nothing more than a direct networking tool in my opinion.
wow that turned out way longer than planned. sorry about the rant.
Photography is more than just taking a picture and freezing the action, or leaving the shutter open. It is more than orchestrating the image with the stroke of a brush. Its the realization and explanation that reality is an isolated experience in which only a specific individual can comprehend during any given time period. - Your Truly!
Yes, I was a bit over the top with the FBI bit and have MORE than an active imaginationBut if I'm in need of a patsy, someone to nail with something and I'm in a position of power I could sure use a tool like Face book to find a mug to fit the bill. Sure life is stable (sort of) now but down the pike a bit who knows? I've just never been totally comfortable with the facebook / Myspace scene. I've also seen Facebook used to degrade people pretty hard through peer gossip, unsubstantiated crap but the whole sordid affair left it's mark on an innocent facebooker. Wish I could find the darned article about the founders though as it drew some really surprising connections.