Last night, I went back and viewed some of my early post and "images". Man was I BAD!!! I don't know how y'all just didn't run me out of here with the junk I was posting. I think I was hoping the great images would just appear by pushing the shutter button.
I learned a lot here from you patience people, and can now say I am at least getting images worthy of framing.
I know I still have a long way to go, but once again, thank you for all your help and critiques. I want y'all to stay on my ass, tell what I could have done differently, etc.
This site is 1000x better than any other site I post on. All other sites are mostly guys pounding their chest in their latest conquest photoshoot, not really helping the hobbiest.
(BTW, I'm going to get these reprinted. For some reason they felt they had to crop my photos. I only framed them for a last minute Mother's Day present)