Hi All,
I've been pondering the best approach for Fine Art print sales for a while and would like to get the opinions of other photographers when it comes to Open and Limited Edition prints, especially anyone who has experience in sales of both:
Should Open Edition images also be available as Limited Edition, and vice-versa? Of course by doing so you may be opening yourself up to more sales, but at the same time you may be putting off prospective collectors of limited editions i.e. the fact that a Limited Edition, at a higher price, is also openly available may devalue the image's worth in the eyes of the buyer. So the LE will have a run number and may have an artists stamp... but this is the only thing that separates it from the open edition. Print size and quality will probably be the same. Thoughts?
I'm also interested to hear what anyone thinks about price scaling of LE prints i.e. the price of the print escalates by a small percentage after each sale, thereby any buyer is safe in the knowledge that their print is already worth more than what they paid for it. Just something I'm throwing around, but I'd like to know what others think or if anyone's tried this approach themselves.