Hey all. I have been having a problem getting the focus right in my photos right from day 1.The problem I think is that I wear glasses. Not just for reading but for everything! My current specs have the progressive lenses which may be a big part of my problem. I have noticed that the autofocus misses sometimes (probably due to some of my own issues i'm sure)
but in the end I would prefer do do most of the focus work manually which has frustrated me greatly thus far. I have tried adjusting the diopter on the camera and that helps but has not been "the" answer. I find that using "live view" where I can stand back so to speak and look at a magnified image helps but that is just not practical on anything but a landscape. I have decided that my next pair of specs will be bi-focals with the visible line across the lenses which will hopefully eliminate alot of the problem. Lack of practice has not been a problem either. I try and get out as often as possible.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.