Here's a question that I've starting wondering about. It all boils down to a simple question, however, I'm going to ask it by describing a couple of situations and then sum it up with a question.
After I take the photo, I open it in Gimp. First ufRAW takes it so I can tweak curves which is a requirement of working with a RAW image. This is the digital equivalent to developing the film unless I'm way off base.
Once I get it into Gimp I tend to do 3 or 4 adjustments.
1) I'll bump up the contrast if I feel it needs it.
2) I'll increase the saturation a bit.
3) I'll sharpen or use the unsharp mask.
Now, let's go back to the camera. Let's return to the point where I'm about to take the photo. If I spend a bunch of money on better lenses and nail the focus I know that will get me a much sharper image. I've already run into a few shots that I've taken with my nifty fifty that really didn't need to be sharpened.
What do I do to "increase saturation" when taking the photo?
What do I do to "increase contrast" when taking the photo?
Is it a case of a longer exposure? Am I just experiencing a situation when I don't have enough light and should be considering a flash? Maybe I need a wider/narrower aperture? What mistakes am I making that cause me to make these adjustments in post?
Can anyone explain this?