Curious how other enthusiasts view this topic. When on the street is it etiquette to take photos of unknown subjects without establishing or obtaining some sort of permission? I’m sometimes unsure about the correct answer to this.
My own perspective, I feel like the generalized open street is fair game. As an example, I saw a photo on the site here featuring a person walking down the street in a snowstorm with a box over their head (nice catch btw). That’s not the sort of stuff I wonder about. But supposing you are out taking photos of complete randomness, whereas one comes out portrait caliber and doesn’t look random at all?
Does sharing or making other use of such a photo cross any lines? I have contemplated this issue several times. When waiting around I have a habit of fiddling around with my camera to get ideas about what’s what & where – maybe refine a setting or two based on results from goof off shots. Generally these pictures are deleted right after a quick review of the results . One scenario I find my dilemma occur is if I’m out and someone stops and poses (usually for a phone or small p&s photo) If I’ve got a lens that reaches properly, I might snap a shot of my own to see what the light, angle etc. produce.
Once in a while I’ll get a shot that either the subject or overall composure keeps me from dumping the image but at the same time (after the fact) I’m a little bit weary on sharing or saying look what I got. Likewise there are unexpected flicks of people I do know to at least some degree but not really certain if, other than amongst the personal circle – they’d have feelings about their image shared.
So I’d be interested to hear what any of you maintain as personal rules or guidelines if any on the subject matter? TIA.