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Your Favorite Photo so far....

This is a discussion on Your Favorite Photo so far.... within the Digital photography forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I saw this on another site so I thought I would give it a try here...feel free to add to ...

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    casil403's Avatar
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    Question Your Favorite Photo so far....

    I saw this on another site so I thought I would give it a try here...feel free to add to it as we go...and if you post something and find something better that is okay too.
    Post the best/most favorite photo you've taken so far ...doesn't have to be technically the best, or for any other reason other than you happen to like it for your reasons...and it can be something you have posted on the forum already...if that is okay by Marko.
    Please post the reasons as to why you like there a story attached to it? Was it a turning point in your development in photography? Why do you like it or consider it your best so far....was it one of those right place at right time kind of things? Did you do everything right as far as technical and rules go?
    I am hoping that this is a place not to critique but rather just enjoy...thanks

    Okay I will start:

    Here is mine

    This is my favorite so far simply because I think it tells a story. I was on transit heading to somewhere else to take some shots when I spotted this woman sleeping on a corner downtown. I immediately got off the bus and began shooting. She looked so alone, it was so cold (-15C) and it was about a week or so before Xmas so I went over to her, woke her up and gave her some money. I posted this a while back and it was well recieved and to this day it is still my favorite image.
    I didn't notice the sign behind her until after I got home and started processing the shots. I think it tells a real story about dichotomy of "Living Out There" I gave it to my Mum for here birthday. I have seen Gail several times since this first time and I always make time to spend a few minutes with her and if I have money I give it to her...she never asks me for money but there is something about her that tugs at my heart strings every time I see her.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Ok, so you make it almost impossible to follow that one!

    However, I'll chime in to make it easier for others

    Truly it is hard to pick one favourite as I have different favourites for different reasons. For now though, here's my favourite. This one is not so much from the original photo which only has a simple story of "early morning shot of the town clock on the way into work" but from the processing. This was the first time I tried to turn a photo into a fake miniature after reading about it on the web and I think it came out excellent. I really liked the result.

    Name:  4390720971_c44e968fc7_o.jpg
Views: 669
Size:  214.7 KB
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    Marko's Avatar
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    I think this is a great thread... I'll post here shortly as well with the caveat "one of my faves". THE fave is simply impossible for me and likely for many others that have been shooting for decades across different genres.
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    Wicked Dark's Avatar
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    ditto what Marko said. I can't pick an absolute since I've been doing this since 1985. I can pick a shot that speaks to what I've learned and how I've progressed though. Might take some time, but I think I can do it.
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    casil403's Avatar
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    Love that one Iggy....I remember it and thought..."That is so cool!"

    I agree with you is hard to pick just one out of the many but that one for me I always have known it to be my fave shot thus far. about it can be the or a "fave" or a "best" or a photo that is one of the many faves or bests in your collection as long as there is some kind of story behind it as to the reason why?
    Make sense?
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    Bambi's Avatar
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    well until I go shooting with Casil next week, this is one of my favs so far:

    I had this concept for a few months but could never actually make it work. Finally the dof, angle, detail, colour etc all came together and 'aha!'. Actually made MA sit up and take notice For me this represents me starting to really figure out my camera (still a long way to go that's for sure) rather then adjusting the settings and hoping for the best, I was adjusting the settings to get what I wanted.
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    I'm gonna go old skool on you guys. I shot this in the late nineties and it remains one of my faves to this day. It looks much better in print but even now looking at it again in web-quality for the jillionth time, I still dig it. I dig this shot because of the expression on the face, the dead stare in the eyes and the tonal quality. It's a very personal shot for me of a good friend. I'll even be a bit more honest; while I watched it reveal itself in the darkroom developing bath for the first time, I wept from joy. That was a one time thing - it's never happened since.

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    kat is offline Senior Member
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    This is my fav so far this year.

    It wasn't technically hard. I set the aperture, ISO and what I wanted first shot. The color version (the above link) had nothing done to it. So I think this is my fav because I saw it..took it and had to do nothing with it (but sepia change for my sepia wall).

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    Michaelaw's Avatar
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    This one is my fav so far and was shot in 08 with my Olympus E510 and a 70-300 Zuiko lens. I had been off the auto nipple for only a few months so when this little garter snake posed by the side of the trail and I managed to get the settings correct for the moment I was VERY happy

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    casil403's Avatar
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    These are all just great and I love the stories that go with them. Thanks so much for posting, participating and sharing!
    Bambi I too thought this was a turning point in your photo journey....and since then you have really put out some awesome stuff!
    Kat great stuff...Love the bw version of the grass of my faves from you for sure!
    MAW cool to know that you were on the auto nipple once as well...that statement made me laugh!
    Marko, I especially love yours and the moving story that went with it...I can see why it got you emotional as it is an incredibly powerful image.
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