Hey all, been lurking in these forums for the last day or two.
I recently left the world of 'Point and Shoot' because I felt I needed more freedom in my picture taking. However, I didn't feel that I would be able to take full advantage of an SLR, as I tend to waver in my commitment to my hobbies.
So, I bought myself an Olympus 550 UZ from Future Shop (was on sale for $250).
Now, I don't want to bother everyone with my mass of questions, so I'll just ask one. I'm looking for a (hopefully) detailed thread/article that explains shutter speed, aperture, ISO, and all the like... a glossary of terms, if you will.
I just realized I probably should have Googled this, but since I'm near the end of this post, I'll post it anyway. I'll come back to this post if I find something.
Thanks in advance.